Overview: As police officers, we all face the potential for the negative effects of traumatic incident stress. The mere fact that we run to violent situations that the general public would run away from shows that we are wired differently from the flock. But, this difference also carries the potential for trouble if we don’t constructively mitigate the negative side effects. We have all heard about the negative impact and implications of alcohol use and abuse. We live in a society that has given us a barrage of billboards, commercials, and news clips about the misuse of this potentially deadly drug. It has been called the most deadly drug in America; however, it is still constantly abused by people in all aspects of life regardless of a person’s socio-economic status, race, religion, or profession. Even we, as police officers aren’t immune to its life-changing effects. We are called to a higher standard and alcohol abuse by another officer either has or will have some type of impact on you at one point or another in your career. This presentation isn’t here to scare you into responsible drinking but to help you make better choices concerning alcohol use and our responsibilities as police officers to ourselves, our department, and our families.
Goal: The goal of this presentation is to prepare officers for the stressors of their law enforcement careers and give tools which may mitigate the harmful effects of life on the beat.
Prerequisites: None.
Hours: 3
January 26, 2020: 1 PM - 5 PM
Cost: $25.00